I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Apr 30, 2007


Faith in the Media?

In my life I have had first hand knowledge

of 5 newspaper reports.

I was in 3 of the stories myself.

Out of those 5 reports,

not a one got the facts correct

not even close.

Why is the question?

Here is my answer.

Due to exaggeration, fabrication and incompetence.

"Dungeons and Dragons games that kill."


on Apr 30, 2007


If there were weapons of mass destruction,

they definitely could have been smuggled

out of the country.


on Apr 30, 2007
this thread is really old. enough is enough already. and for IBEN, why do you write like that? time to write like normal people.
on May 01, 2007


What does it mean when you can't take

your eyes off someone?

It means they look good and

that is it.


on May 01, 2007


Gas prices go to high

and recession occurs.

Recession occurs and

everyone gets hurt.


on May 01, 2007

"I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge --
myth is more potent than history --
dreams are more powerful than facts --
hope always triumphs over experience --
laughter is the cure for grief --
love is stronger than death."

on May 03, 2007

Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate;
now what's going to happen to us with both a Senate and a House?

on May 03, 2007

Dam.....n gas prices $3.19, this sucks!!!!
on May 04, 2007


I found the answer to our Unified Fields Theory question,

I call it Murphy's Law.


on May 04, 2007


Are the people who wanted to cancel

the show "Politically Incorrect",

the same people who want to pull

the troops from Iraq?


on May 08, 2007
"Life must be understood backwards;
       but... it must be lived forward."

                                - Soren Kierkegaard

"There is only one success -
       to be able to spend your life in your own way."

                                - Christopher Morley

"I don't know the key to success,
       but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."

                               - Bill Cosby

on May 09, 2007


If we always listened to the detractors

we would never make progress.

If we are overly optimistic we end up

with a high failure ratio.


on May 11, 2007


The reason we can't turn off our hearing

like we close our eyes is because

we need to hear T-Rex sneaking up on us

while we sleep.


on May 12, 2007

History is made by stupid people, cleaver people wouldn't even try.
If you want you name in the history books then do something
monumentally stupid before you die.
on May 15, 2007


Last I heard 6 million is larger then 4 million.

Losing our temper is bad for the body.


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