Faith in the Media?In my life I have had first hand knowledgeof 5 newspaper reports.I was in 3 of the stories myself.Out of those 5 reports,not a one got the facts correctnot even close.Why is the question?Here is my answer.Due to exaggeration, fabrication and incompetence."Dungeons and Dragons games that kill."
If there were weapons of mass destruction,they definitely could have been smuggledout of the country.
What does it mean when you can't takeyour eyes off someone?It means they look good andthat is it.
Gas prices go to highand recession occurs.Recession occurs andeveryone gets hurt.
I found the answer to our Unified Fields Theory question,I call it Murphy's Law.
Are the people who wanted to cancelthe show "Politically Incorrect",the same people who want to pullthe troops from Iraq?
"There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way." - Christopher Morley
"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." - Bill Cosby
If we always listened to the detractorswe would never make progress.If we are overly optimistic we end upwith a high failure ratio.
The reason we can't turn off our hearinglike we close our eyes is becausewe need to hear T-Rex sneaking up on uswhile we sleep.
Last I heard 6 million is larger then 4 million.Losing our temper is bad for the body.