The person referred to in post # 2115claims to be very intelligent.I suggest he run for president.Caution,the first hurdle is to be smart enoughto get elected.
Chris Rock,I have noticed that you canuse quite a bit of profanity inhalf a sentence.
What does publicly admitting thatyou had an affair with Anna Nicole Smith,do to your reputation?
When outing a possible covert operative,the first person to inform the general public,does the most damage.
Mr. Gore,Maybe you could try an experiment.You could fix Mars first and then Jupiter,on your way out of the Solar System.Could you be sure and come back in timeto fix the Sun when it burns out?
The sooner we fix global warming,the sooner we will have to fix global cooling.The only problem is,global cooling is harder to fix.
Schwarzenegger made a good point about the arguing.
Today I heard Mr. Giuliani's thoughtson global warming and they soundgood to me.
"Sound Blaster Audigy platinum EX",has a lot of great features that are numerous.One of these features is the fact that thereare two external IEEE 1394 FireWire ports,that allow for real time extremely high speeddata transfer.
There are three ways to go through life.1) Having faith in your fellow man.2) Fearing your fellow man.3) Though I walk through the shadowof the valley of death I fear nothing because I am......
Freedom of speech is a great thing.Some people should probably thinkabout censoring themselves once and a while,or at least they might sleep on it.