I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Feb 05, 2007


The Alien was in the room taking notes.

The mothership arrived on schedule.

Probably related to Rammstein.

Think eleven.

The mothership is fine as long as no one gets hurt.


Anyone who eats at Tacobell is ok with me.

Yes I do work for a living.

Post # 2047


on Feb 06, 2007


Andy D.

Wins a cookie,

take it with milk for a while.

When riding in the rain

take a tip from Kenny Roberts

On any Sunday II.


on Feb 07, 2007


I like the automatic doors at the supermarket.



on Feb 08, 2007
Success is not measured by how far you go in life. It is measured in the amount of people you help along the way.

on Feb 08, 2007


A man gets up and has a big cup of coffee.

Goes outside for a walk.

He comes to a field.

In the field he finds a large red bull.

The bull kicks the man in the bladder 67 times.

Luckily they were just love taps.

West World.


on Feb 09, 2007


Mr. O'Reilly,

You teach an excellent class.

Today I sat next to Alan who

needs a shave and saves his money.

I like to sit where I can hear everybody.

And something unrelated,

This goes out to someone who goes by

the handle of Eight inch minimum,

Measuring devices are very handy

it is good to know where you keep em.


on Feb 10, 2007


Penn J. ,

If you are looking for proof,

then you are on the fence.

That is a change in your category,

there are three categories and two start with an A.

Pure logic lies on the fence.


remember the cartoon with the dancing frog

found on a construction site.

"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime, gal."


on Feb 11, 2007


Some people don't see the frog dance.

That doesn't mean that the frog doesn't dance.

To see the frog dance,


you must be looking

for the dancing frog.


on Feb 13, 2007


If life were easy to handle,

would life be worth living?

Carolla, you were clean

clear to Mars town.


on Feb 14, 2007


I am holding a white baseball while you read this.

Can you prove I am holding a white baseball while you read this?

Is it possible that I am holding a white baseball while you read this?

Is it possible that I am not holding a white baseball while you read this?

Is it a fact that you can't prove something that is possible?


on Feb 15, 2007


Hi, Penn & G & T & Mr. Fatuous

Deaf Frat Guy, who I like,

A suggestion, Apply yourself now,

Because when your youth and looks are gone,

you will need money.

At the rate you are going your youth and looks

will be gone sooner then expected.


I like baseballs no matter what color they are.

Once a baseball goes bad I don't like it any more.


on Feb 16, 2007


The cure for hick-ups that always worked for me.

While sipping water, hold your breath and swallow seven

times, after the last swallow keep holding your breath

for 4 more seconds. That's it.

If it is a bad case try it in the morning when you get up.


When magicians cut them selves isn't it usually

part of the act?


on Feb 16, 2007


Hi to,

Stephen Hawking and Walter Eeeeeeeeeee Williams.

"I vill a little t'ink."- Albert Einstein


on Feb 18, 2007


I met someone about sixteen

years ago, who got her job because

of her looks, but kept it because

of her brains.


on Feb 19, 2007


Today's top story,

Someone was seen smoking a cigarette.


I wish I could get eleven thousand miles

out of a motorcycle tire.

I wonder how many ways you can spell

the name Len?


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