I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 248)
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on Nov 08, 2015

What will the high temperature be on January-9-2016
in New York, Phoenix, and Boise?
You have one week from today to submit your answer,
all three must be correct,margin for error
plus or minus 1/100 of a degree Fahrenheit.

on Nov 09, 2015

When traveling at a high rate of speed
don't forget length contraction which is
also distance contraction.
Close but no cigar.


on Nov 17, 2015

Can you vet children who won't be born until the year 2021?
Can the children bring their clocks to the governor's house to show him or her?

on Dec 08, 2015

Ok, I believe you,
the Earth is flat.

on Dec 08, 2015

"I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it."


on Jan 07, 2016

Hair of the dog.

on Jan 08, 2016

Most useless thing to do ...Worry
Greatest Joy..........Giving
Greatest loss....Loss of self-respect
Most satisfying work..Helping others
Ugliest personality trait...Selfishness
Most endangered species.Dedicated leaders
Greatest "shot in the arm"....Encouragement
Greatest problem to overcome......Fear
Most effective sleeping pill...Peace of mind
Most crippling failure disease....Excuses
Most powerful force in life......Love
Most dangerous type of person..A gossiper
World's most incredible computer.The brain
Worst thing to be without.....Hope
Deadliest weapon......The tongue
Two most power-filled words......I Can
Greatest asset...........Faith
Most worthless emotion...Self-pity
Most prized possession......Integrity
Most beautiful attire.....A Smile
Greatest channel of communication..Prayer
Most contagious spirit...... Enthusiasm
Most important thing in life......"GOD"
Everyone needs this list to live by..

on Jan 15, 2016

"As of November 30, 2015, it has
a total of 11,598 stores in 28 countries."

on Jan 23, 2016


on Feb 09, 2016

Glenn Beck, Ted Cruz and John McCain have balls.

on Feb 16, 2016

Trump seems to be very good at identifying the problems. 

on Feb 19, 2016

You make payments and do banking with your phone.
Do you want it to stay secure?

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