I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 247)
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on Aug 12, 2015

When gas prices go up everything at the
grocery store goes up in price.

on Aug 27, 2015

When will our space ship be ready to fly
into a black hole and test our theories?

on Aug 27, 2015

I can remember being born,
it was a terrifying painful nightmare and then it ended.

on Sep 02, 2015

Comedy relief in a weird universe that might be true.
Subject: Photon entanglement.
Question: How can information travel between two
photons that are far apart instantaneously?
Using the lorentz transforms to convert to the photon's reality.
Two photons are created at the same time and the same place.
Because the photons travel at the speed of light,
from their perspective the length of the universe in the direction of travel is zero
and time stops. When you perform an experiment on one of them
it affects both of them because they are both at the same place and time
from their perspective.
This also explains why interacting with a photon in our present
can affect it's past from our perspective.
One way to test this would be to perform an experiment where
the photons travel in a medium that causes them to travel
slower than the speed of light, time would pass and they would
move apart from their perspective.
This sounds weird which proves it could be correct.

on Sep 03, 2015

If our reality is a simulation running on an
alien's smart phone,
memory leaks could occur and photons could be
lost if the alien shuts the simulation down
temporarily to play flappy bird.

on Sep 05, 2015

If you accelerate a particle and observe
it's mass increase,
does it's gravity also increase?

on Sep 17, 2015

Why haven't we received radio signals
from other life forms in the universe?
Robots are to intelligent to give away
they're position.

on Sep 20, 2015

Panic is a strategy that never works.

on Sep 20, 2015

If all else fails, panic never works.

on Sep 20, 2015

Look where you want to go.

on Sep 21, 2015
on Oct 17, 2015

Making the robot woman of the future as real as possible.
It should come with,
"get it over with" recording and divorce software.

on Oct 23, 2015

Is going broke safe?

on Oct 29, 2015

All they talk about is the national debt,
why aren't they talking about John Kasich?
Why didn't they pay back the social security fund
when they had a surplus?
Is Chris Christie going to jail the people
who stole the social security fund and confiscate
their net worth to pay it back?

on Oct 30, 2015

If you don't drink the spiked punch
you won't have a hangover after the party.

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