I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on May 16, 2015

Analog was great,
sorry if you missed it.

on May 17, 2015

Big software and the 100 trillion dollar
class action lawsuit.
Coming in a century near you.

on May 17, 2015

Buy a car with cash new for $20,000
turn it in to a cab for 100,000 miles,
I calculate 65 cents a mile cost,
more if you get a loan for the car.

on May 19, 2015

Lets say the fair is $1 dollar per mile.
You take someone 25 miles.
That's 25 dollars minus 20% for boober,
25 - 5 = 20 minus your cost a minimum of 65 cents per mile,
.65 times 25 miles, in this case $16.25
equals $3.75 - income tax = $2.88 for a half hour trip,
that is after tax income of $5.77 per hour.
Don't forget to pay for the phone.
"Life changing money."

on May 19, 2015

Your car cost per mile in reality.
Car new $20,000.
Figure the car lasts 100,000 miles hard use.
20,000 Divided by 100,000 equals .20 cents a mile.
You get 20 miles per gallon with the air on
in the city if you are lucky.That's 5000 gallons
to go 100,000 miles at currently $4 bucks a gallon.
4 times 5000 is $20,000 Divided by 100,000 equals .20 cents a mile.
We are now at .40 cents per mile cost to drive your car.
Now figure insurance,registration,smog checks 4 sets of tires
at $400 each set to go 100,000 miles,oil changes, breaks
shocks and struts,all fluids,alignments and so on.
We are now at a minimum of .50 cents a mile.
Now add in the oh shit factor and we are at
.65 cents a mile.
I wouldn't take a fair less than $1.99 a mile.
"Life changing money."

on May 21, 2015

I bet the first month of retirement is the best one.

on May 23, 2015

"Great minds think alike. But, fools seldom differ." 

Thirty Helens 

on May 31, 2015

I did my own double slit experiment.
I found that if I hold the light six feet
away from the material with the two slits
I get no interference pattern, just two
bright lines on my screen.
I can only conclude that after light travels
six feet it becomes a particle.

on Jun 14, 2015

Do we live in a hulahoopagram?

on Jun 16, 2015

Tiny bubbles.

on Jun 22, 2015
on Jul 20, 2015

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the government for a redress of grievances; But
you must Apologize.


on Jul 29, 2015

If the Earth curves the space around it,
does metal stick to a magnet because the
space around the magnet is curved by the magnet?

on Aug 08, 2015

You have two space ships A and B 200,000 miles apart
traveling on a parallel course at a constant velocity.
Ship A fires a laser 90 degrees to the course at a target on ship B.
Ship B marks the laser impact point on the target
while the laser continues to fire.
Now both ships accelerate at the same rate.
Does the laser continue to hit the target
on ship B at the same point?

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