I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 203)
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on Feb 01, 2012

Here is an old saying,
I changed it a little because it might be private property.
"Always take a safety meeting,
because you can never be
very safe."

on Feb 02, 2012

If you enjoy doing the exact same simple task 500,000 times in a row,
You don't have ADHD,
you have JALSTAMS.

Just a little smarter than a monkey syndrome.

on Feb 02, 2012

You've got,
the two hour
the all nighter
the two dater
the one month
the three month
the once in a while on going affair
the six year
and the life long ball and chain.
And always remember there are a billion more
where that came from.

on Feb 02, 2012

You can be dumb
just dumb enough
to smart

on Feb 03, 2012

Cooking lesson #1: don’t fry bacon in the nude.

on Feb 03, 2012

A closed mouth gathers no foot.

on Feb 05, 2012

To the people that weren't nice to me in my life
who ever they may be.
I hope you live to be 120 years old.

on Feb 06, 2012

If some content from a video site loads fast
and other content loads slow,
is that censorship?

on Feb 10, 2012

Just think how big the scam is going to be in twenty more years.

on Feb 13, 2012

"Look great in lingerie, no matter your shape"
Wear a white sheet and we'll project
someone who looks good on you.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger until
you are about 38 and then it doesn't make you stronger anymore.

on Feb 14, 2012

What today's update for IE 8 did for me.
It put The Huffington Post on the left side of the screen
instead of the center where it usually is.

on Feb 15, 2012

The way we knew which song they were playing was
because we had a pair of binoculars and could
read the song list next to the M&Ms on the mixer table.

on Feb 15, 2012

You're tellen me that,
If you want the tire pressure right
you check the spark plug gap?

on Feb 18, 2012

I just heard 30 seconds turned into an
hour and a half on the radio,
who can't let go?

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