I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 162)
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on May 01, 2008
Can a person be a politician if they aren't a politician?
on May 10, 2008
I noticed food prices going up a long time before the media did.

on May 14, 2008
Downloaded and Installed XP SP3.
Total time from beginning to end of process,
1 hour.
My computer seems to be working normally.
on May 15, 2008

"]" I always try to believe the best of everybody - it saves so much trouble."[/size]
on May 19, 2008
Hydro Electric, Nuclear, Oil, Natural Gas, Coal
If you use it in your own back yard,
You should try to get it from your own back yard,
and always be as energy efficient as possible.
on May 21, 2008
Human beings are a product of nature, therefore anything
humans do is a product of nature.
I wonder if Yellowstone could heat a cup of coffee?
You put a pipe in the ground, the ground is hot,
put water in the pipe and get steam which turns a turbine
which turns a generator which generates electricity
which will heat a cup of coffee.
If you cool the lava enough maybe you could postpone
the next big eruption.
Global cooling technology.

What would happen if the oil bubble pops?

on May 22, 2008
So next you could put a Geothermal Steam to Electricity
plant somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands,
and run a cable at the bottom of the ocean over to California.
It would hopefully be cold enough most of the
trip to give you a more efficient transmission of the Electricity.
You could pay me ten million to do the study or you
could pay Al Gore a Trillion.

on May 23, 2008
I've been to Idaho, it is windy there,
you could try wind turbines in Idaho.
on May 28, 2008
98 bottles of beer on the wall 98 bottles of beer
take one down pass it around
99 bottles of beer on the wall.

Why does government work so well?
Because, personality beats competence almost every time.

Handel will get it.
on May 29, 2008
What we are getting is pejoration.
What we need is melioration.
on Jun 03, 2008
The answer is never,
to go back, because
you can't go back even if you wish you could.
The answer is to go forward.
on Jun 03, 2008

Oh so true....
"Success is not in what you have, but who you are."
on Jun 03, 2008
[quote]Life can be wildly tragic at times,
and I've had my share. But whatever
happens to you, you have to keep a
slightly comic attitude. In the final
analysis, you have got not to forget to laugh!![/

on Jun 03, 2008
Life can be wildly tragic at times,
and I've had my share. But whatever
happens to you, you have to keep a
slightly comic attitude. In the final
analysis, you have got not to forget to laugh!![/

on Jun 05, 2008
Election Event prediction Chart

It is quite possible that the recent
unprecedented price of oil is due to,
the world line wishing to intersect with a certain candidate.
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