I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Nov 14, 2006

~Time And health are two precious assets that we don't
recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted~
on Nov 15, 2006


Mr. O'Reilly,

you do have a choice.


on Nov 16, 2006
   "Fate loves the fearless"  
on Nov 16, 2006


Something doesn't have to make money

if money can be made on the controversy

that it causes.

Could the people who are participating

in the debate be secret allies of the

people causing the controversy?


on Nov 17, 2006

Of course, playing both side, seems to be the
American way of "get-r-done", and always having
to watch your back, sad isn't it?


on Nov 17, 2006

The mystery of government is not how Washington works but how to make it stop
on Nov 17, 2006



Welcome to the Oasis of the real.


on Nov 18, 2006


It has been asked,

Why don't people pay closer attention

to things that are completely out of their control?


the answer is in the question

except I modified the question

to help someone find the answer.


on Nov 19, 2006

Not sure if it has been said before, but the one quote I'm beginning to live by lately, and am coming across a lot (mostly by lack, or absence) is "Say what you mean and mean what you say."

That is, let your words speak about and of who you really are through your actions, and that your actions uphold the words you speak.

I guess it can be summed up in the word



on Nov 22, 2006

~Politics is the gizzard of society, full of grit and gravel, and the two political parties are its opposite halves - sometimes split into quarters - which grind on each other. Not only individuals but states have thus a confirmed dyspepsia {Disturbed digestion; indigestion}~
on Nov 22, 2006
If you are American or Canadian then you know Thanksgiving is about gathering with family, being thankful for our blessings, remembering our history, and taking part in a national tradition and celebration....
Have a truly blessed Thanksgiving, everyone!
on Nov 25, 2006


Thanks, everyone who commented,and

thanks for commenting!!!


on Nov 27, 2006


Don't rule out working with your hands.

It does not preclude using your head


Andy Rooney

on Nov 27, 2006


Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.

Politics is supposed to be the second oldest profession. I have come to realize that it bears a very close resemblance to the first


on Dec 02, 2006


When in Rome do as the Romans do.


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