If you pay attention to your observationsas you sail across the seayou will find a light houseon the shore of tranquillity.In that light house can be founda marble stand,on it has been written all the names of man.Look a little closer and you will spya pen,waiting there for someone to write with it again.
Someone found a pen,but the one I refer to ishidden in the bleak rocks of Mare Tranquillitatis.North 9 degrees east 30 degrees.Bravo,
When two people tell you theexact opposite information,who should you believe?I go with the neither option.But what if you had tochoose one?I go with the one who has previously lied to me the least.
Placing a ridiculous amount of tax on any productis a crime that will spread.After raising taxes on anythingwhere does this new found money go?It goes into increasing the powerof the tax raisers so they can raise more taxesin the future.
Things that occur in October are meantto influence things that occur in November.
It is possible to purchase a high-tech gizmo, get it home and find out that the instructions have not been translated correctly.