I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Mar 14, 2003
Well at least one of your many personalities should be able to decipher me..... huh? .

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on Mar 14, 2003
good to see you back anyways

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on Mar 14, 2003
by the way, am I your hypocrit you spoke of in the other thread? if so I sure owuld like to know why...

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on Mar 14, 2003
If you've just ran a long race, stop and feed yourself... whether it be physically, emotionally, or mentally. It's little things like those that we often forget to do
on Mar 14, 2003
IP+ ...I never specifically called any one person a hypocrite in that post... go back and read
it again... it was meant in a very general manner....

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on Mar 14, 2003
The little things.... sometimes they can get away from the whole perspecive...
again, I say... is this not human nature?

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on Mar 14, 2003
Jafo says... perspecive = perspective

see, I can speal too.....

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on Mar 14, 2003
ack, ok, reading to much into things...

I am about at that point you get when your in pain for a very long time and it just keeps building up. Started nerve blocks in my lower back 6 weeks ago, two weeks apart, so last friday? was my third. Well I went from hurting all the time but being able to put up with it, to actually going out and buying a freaking cain because I now, never know when my legs are going to give out.... and damn I though I knew what pain was about, am I learning something new, dissociation doesn't even help, everyone pops on and says screw this and I come back out

So I am sleeping even less now, and never getting blank time..

words to live by:

When growing up you figure you will never die, later in life after all the stupid things you did and could or possibly should have died doing, you learn to wish you had at times...

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on Mar 14, 2003
well despite the fact that perhaps a certain thing not only is not blocking your pain but is
also preventing you from sleep I sympathize completely...
Misunderstandings are far too easy to come by...
Real animosity needs to be spelled out indelibly so that there is no mistake possible in the intent.
I only say this in the feeling that most people know and understand the difference.

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on Mar 14, 2003
If you don't like the answer you shouldn't have asked the question...

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on Mar 14, 2003
Someone who plays with fire will end up getting their fingers burned...

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on Mar 14, 2003

hell, rage,hurts,slice and faith pretty much make sure that if someone isn't liked or something isn't cared for, it is painted black and white in big bold block letters..

..Fool me once shame on you do it to me twice and I am the fool..

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on Mar 14, 2003
he who go to bed with itchy butt wake up with stinky finger's

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on Mar 14, 2003
Money can make the man. And money can ruin the man.
on Mar 14, 2003
The only stupid questions, are the ones, "you" don't ask!
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