I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Mar 13, 2003

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on Mar 13, 2003
Keep producing your hard work for free to give away to people who line their pockets with cash from your hard efforts and what does that make you?

a: an Idiot
b: a Fool
c: a Moron
d: all of the above

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on Mar 13, 2003
makes you: d,
makes him 'exiled'
on Mar 13, 2003
#347 by 1J2J3M - 3/13/2003 12:52:31 AM
Keep producing your hard work for free to give away to people who line their pockets with cash from your hard efforts and what does that make you?

a: an Idiot
b: a Fool
c: a Moron
d: all of the above

No, but such a statement does in fact prove the one making it is a complete dick.

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on Mar 13, 2003
Words to live by.....

Look like a prat, feel like a prat, act like a prat, and people will consider you a prat.
on Mar 13, 2003
Remember, hell doesn't have a fire escape...

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on Mar 13, 2003

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on Mar 13, 2003
Is this life-enhancing or life-draining? I guess we should all ask this ? of ourselves, from time to time!
on Mar 13, 2003
Happiness is a way station between too much and too little.
-- Channing Pollock
on Mar 14, 2003
"Enjoy life. You'll be dead a long time."
on Mar 14, 2003
I remember someone calling me a 'what was it you said, IP+'?
Yes, I said all of that, I was in a bad mood, I think I already talked about this stuff
in an earlier post...
If there is something specific you would like to say to me IP+
now is the time to let it out...

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on Mar 14, 2003
jeez, louise... am I in the wrong thread again?

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on Mar 14, 2003
live to ride...ride to live...
on Mar 14, 2003
Ice skate on frozen ponds in the dead of winter freeze..
Feel the cold as it brings you laughing to your knees
All things must pass, all paths converge
remember to bless your human urge...


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on Mar 14, 2003
Jam what in the hell are you talking about?

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