An explanation with a bonus:I will now explain Time and Civilizationin the simplest terms possible.What is time?Time is change.If nothing changes no time has passed.Civilization occurs when a small group of people createa plan that once put into action causes a very largegroup of people to change things,where 99% of the benefits of these changes goes tothe small group that came up with the plan.If you would like to benefit from Civilization,simply connect yourself to one of the small group that came up with the plan.This connection can be made with your tongue or your mouth.If you would like to reap all the benefits of your changethis can be accomplished by leaving Civilization.There are several options open to you.Option 1: Stand on the side of the road next to a shopping cart.Option 2: Pitch a tent in a wooded area and look for road kill.Option 3: Side step time:Find a 500 foot cliff where the ground at the bottom isat a 90 degree angle to the direction you will travelwhen you step off the cliff.Once you make contact with the ground below,time will stop and you will leave Civilization.
Did you ever notice that everything in the universefollows a simple pattern that repeats.Small changes occur and after a lot of small changesover a long period the pattern changes andcontinues to repeat.Everything.
Mr. Doom and Gloom isn't much help is he?
"Evil Monster"You could gloss over it and talk about something else,but then you wouldn't be a48 hour wall to wall Evil Monster would you?
The matter anti matter bomb able to blow upthe entire solar system is good,only a man who would use such a weapon is evil.
There is a planet in a far away galaxy called Tippergon,and on this planet there were many tribes of intelligentcreatures. When we study the history of the tribeson Tippergon we note that one tribe became much moretechnologically advanced and civilized than all the othertribes, this tribe is called Technogon. Tribe Technogonwas destroyed by the other tribes at the height of theircivilization.History marks the beginning of the end fortribe Technogon when a period of unrestrained illegalimmigration occurred and their greatest invention "Rules of Engagement".
The solution:Marble shoots will be installed in all public buildings.An iphone will stand guard at the entrance of each building.If the iphone detects an intruder it will place a call tothe marble shoot command center requesting that the marbles bereleased. If it is a good day the marble shoot command centerwill release the marbles which will roll down the Marble shootson to the floor. No one will be able to walk and the intruderwill leave the premises. A prerecorded message featuring Joe Liebermanwill come over the loud speaker announcing "we have lost our marbles".
Little metal boxes with wheels.
Could you detect the universe is a simulationif who ever is running the simulation doesn't want you to?Would you assume that who ever is running the simulationknows how you are going to detect the simulation?If you can't prove that the universe is a simulationit could still be a simulation couldn't it?
A law will be passed making only one type of gun available.The i-gps-u-238-space-modulator-hand-gun.It will come with a nuclear battery good for 2 million years,it will be hack proof,unlock proof and modification proof.The gun tracking center will know where it is at all times.It will only fire if the registered owner is holding itand if the on board computer detects danger accordingto the rules of engagement.The rules of engagement are as follows,If the gun detects blood loss from the registered ownerand can detect the person who caused the blood lossand the blood loss is life threatening,the gun will fire one shot toward the detected danger.A second shot is only permitted if the gun detectsa second life threatening wound on the registered owner.Note A. If the registered owner doesn't have enoughblood left in their body the gun will not detecta wound.Note B. Only a total of two shots are permittedin any single incident because the gun will notdetect a third life threatening wound.
The i-gps-u-238-space-modulator-hand-guncomes with a tooth brush attachment that youcan use when tooth decay is detected.It will also vibrate if you need a massage.You can also use it as a toilet paper dispenser.
If the universe we live in was a simulationthere would have to be a universe for thesimulation to run inside of.That would be redundant.If you have the technology to make a simulateduniverse you don't need one.
What type of security should you have at your school?Just find out what type of security they haveat schools rich kids go to and copy that.
Commission- for Serenitybane
Here is my analysis.Bernanke and Geithner have more brains in their little toesthan the entire radio and TV universe combined.