I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 220)
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on Nov 28, 2012

i don't think i'm the luck one

on Nov 29, 2012

What do pee brains do when they lose?
They get out their pee shooter.

on Nov 29, 2012

What did he eat for breakfast?
Pea green soup.
What did he eat for lunch?
Pea green soup.
What did he eat for dinner?
Pea green soup.
What is he going to do for about 2 weeks?

on Nov 30, 2012

Conservatives on the radio, TV and in Washington, D.C.
are an incredible public relations machine
working for the democrats.

on Dec 02, 2012

We believe that the most important issue at this
point in time is moving the country forward with out
delay thus restoring confidence for the American people...

on Dec 05, 2012

Social intelligence is the top of the food chain.
Better get some.

on Dec 06, 2012

Lets say that the A:(universe) and the B:(human-body-mind-consciousness)
are both accidents.
Question 1: Which one of these systems is more complex A: or B: ?
Question 2: Could the same probability of an accident have
created both of these complex systems?
Question 3: If System A: was as complex as system B:
would system B: still be trying to escape System A: ?

on Dec 07, 2012

I was in Vegas in 1999,
another huge hotel was going up, there was a big
light up computerized sign out front that said
"See you in 2000".
1999 was a great year.
What were the income tax rates way back then?

on Dec 08, 2012

Dishonest and low paying will get you
dishonest and hardly working.
Keep fooling yourself.

on Dec 08, 2012

"The Rich Pee On the Poor in California Teachers’ Union Film"

This hit piece was all wrong.
They left out the flush.

on Dec 08, 2012

We should just cancel all taxes because
the revenue they bring to the government
doesn't even make the smallest dent
in paying the bill.

on Dec 10, 2012

There are those on the radio who believe
that they can say anything and because
they said it,
it is true.

on Dec 11, 2012

On December 21, 2012
The world will continue as usual.
I'm sorry if you were hoping for the end.
This has been a prediction.

on Dec 11, 2012

You own a factory your father built and left you in his will
after selling alcohol during prohibition.
You also own a large apartment complex next to the factory
your father built and left you in his will.
People work at your factory and earn $1200 a month.
These same people pay you $900 a month to rent a room
in your apartment complex that you own and is paid for.
If these people run short on cash for food they can borrow
some money at your bank next to your factory at 19% interest compounded
daily. If something breaks in the rented room these people can
fix it with their extra money that they earn at your factory.
Luckily people working at the factory can walk to work or the bank
or to the grocery store that you own next to the bank.
People working at your factory can save one penny per month so
they can build their own factory someday.
People working at your factory could also get a loan at your bank
so they can go to the school owned
buy the same man as the rest of the complex next
to the grocery store so they can get a raise and buy a house owned buy the
same man as the rest of the complex.
If people working at the factory start getting close to saving enough
money to build their own factory they will be laid off and have to start
all over again.
This has been a dramatization.

on Dec 11, 2012

We can't raise taxes because we are spending to much money.
We can't lower spending because we don't have enough tax revenue coming in.

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