I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jan 21, 2008
The Law of Event Prediction.

Math is a tool used to predict a future event.
If the math used to predict a future event yields
a satisfactory result when compared to the results
of the actual event in nature, (in other words predicts
the event in nature well enough for those concerned),
then the following is understood to be true.
The explanation of the event and the math used to
predict it do not have to be correct.

Question 1:
Can I predict a future event that no one else can predict,
if I am the only person that knows when it will occur?

Question 2:
Can you predict an event accurately that has
never occurred or been observed?

Side note A:
Babies cry to get their way.

Side note B:
It is time to pick up D. Miller and boost his engine,
cause we’re headed in the same direction.
When I was in seventh grade my school held a mock
election, I voted for Ford.
Ford won the mock election.
If you voted in the real election and didn't
vote for Ford, what does that mean?

Answer 1:
You always vote democratic.

Caution there is only one other possible answer.
The reason history repeats itself is because,
some people can't remember what happened
one week ago
ten years ago
twenty years ago
thirty-two years ago,
maybe they don't want to.

The future is now.
Election Event prediction Chart


If the world line intersects with anything below C
the results can not be trusted and we will have
a failed prediction.

If the world line intersects with anything above D
we will have a satisfactory prediction.

The world line intersecting with A is completely
possible and would be a High satisfactory prediction.
This whole thing is the universe,
it is not a fairy tail.
Here in my ship,
looking out the window to the left,
I see socialistic practices slowing down
the economic engine, hurting everyone in the wallet.

Looking out the window to the right,
I see stimulus in the form of
a free capitalist economic engine,
helping everyone in the wallet.

Looking directly below I see the democrat's
airplane has run out of gas, and is attempting to land
at a rundown airport that they own.

Time for everyone to turn right.
Capitalism, low taxes and a free as possible market is the best system,
it has already been proven.
A perfect system doesn't exist, this is the best system for everybody.
If people never listen to you,
you can always say I told you so.
on Jan 22, 2008
If you can't say anything nice.. DON"T say ANYTHING at all......
on Jan 22, 2008
A relatively poor person never gave you a job,
but 15 million can.
Without the masses there would be no wealthy people.
Relatively poor people purchasing products enable
businesses to earn money.
on Jan 24, 2008
When voting in the republican primary,
A lot of people may vote for a democrat this year.
on Jan 25, 2008
I have never gone for a ride in a swamp buggy.
I did make a radio control model of one when
I was a kid.
I still have it today.
on Jan 27, 2008
Ever wonder if the Laws of physics have bugs?
on Jan 28, 2008
"It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light."
on Jan 28, 2008
"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints
on our hearts, and we are never the same."
on Jan 29, 2008
Well I have a motto, but it's kind of morbid.

Don't fear doing anything, because we're all going to die anyway. Whether you do something great, or you do something horrible, it won't matter to you once you're dead.

There is a caveat to that, however. There are still certain things that retain repercussions that could create a much worse life until your death. For instance, I wouldn't rob a bank, because I wouldn't want to live the rest of my life in prison. It mainly pertains to the smaller things. Don't worry about asking out that attractive guy/girl. Don't worry about your horrendous dancing. Don't worry about getting a mullet. None of it matters when you're dead, right?
on Jan 29, 2008
How about something not so gloomy.....
"Whenever you give your time, you are making a
sacrifice, and sacrifice is the essence of love."
on Jan 30, 2008
Election Event prediction Chart


If the world line intersects with anything below C
the results can not be trusted and we will have
a failed prediction.

If the world line intersects with anything above D
we will have a satisfactory prediction.

We need at least a two party system.
on Jan 31, 2008
A person should try to surround themselves
with people who really care,
starting with themselves.
There is a reason to live,
first you must live long enough to figure it out.
on Jan 31, 2008
"We must love one another or die".
on Feb 01, 2008
"Your ability to be a winner 100 percent
of the time is based upon giving up the
notion that losing at anything is
equivalent to being a loser."
on Feb 01, 2008
The bs express has a back room
where the semi-straight talk goes on.
To bad nun of us are invited.
Have another cookie.
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