Published on September 21, 2003 By UBoB In WinCustomize Talk
I'm testing a theory.

The theory is that someone on this site will argue, no, it's black, just for the sake of being contrary. Perhaps it will even progress to the point of someone being exiled.

Let's see if I'm right.

(P.S. It doesn't really matter what the "it" is.)
Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 21, 2003
Motion, are you serious? It's OBVIOUSLY black! How can you say such rediculous things?? >
on Sep 21, 2003
lets just hope this has nothing to do with racial issues and such...

That said, this should be interesting!
on Sep 21, 2003
I just don't know where you people get your's gray!!! >

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on Sep 21, 2003
how about it is purple! I must be colorblind or my monitor sucks...
on Sep 21, 2003
It's mauve....I heard mauve is faster....

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on Sep 21, 2003
...depends how many MBs of mauve you have....

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on Sep 21, 2003

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on Sep 21, 2003
OMG! are you all blind? Motion is absolutley right. It is white.
on Sep 21, 2003
It's not only gray, but it's faster then mauve...

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on Sep 21, 2003
It's puce!

"Oh, that's puce."
on Sep 21, 2003
PUCE! LMAO The name alone brings up...never mind.
on Sep 21, 2003
Actually it's 'grey'....those who say it's 'gray' will be castigated...
on Sep 21, 2003 see grey...I see gray..

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on Sep 21, 2003
You say gray when you really mean mauve.... I get it....double secret probation code...

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on Sep 21, 2003
OK...two lashes with a wet noodle for both of you.........

Main Entry: Gray
Pronunciation: 'grA
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English gr[AE]g; akin to Old High German grIs, grAo gray
Date: before 12th century
1 a : of the color gray b : tending toward gray c : dull in color
2 : having the hair gray : HOARY
3 : clothed in gray
4 a : lacking cheer or brightness in mood, outlook, style, or flavor; also : DISMAL, GLOOMY b : prosaically ordinary : DULL, UNINTERESTING
5 : having an intermediate and often vaguely defined position, condition, or character
- gray·ly adverb
- gray·ness noun

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