I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Nov 05, 2005
It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.

~Rene Descartes
on Nov 05, 2005
Curiosity is one of the most permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous intellect. ~Samuel Johnson
on Nov 05, 2005
posted this in another thread but thought it would be cool here too...

art is takeing something and makeing it something it is not.
like takeing words and arangeing them into a poem or takeing diferent colors and makeing them look like a sunset or the notes of a scale becomeing musical melody. when you can do this with out a set of plans, instructions or a guide you have become an artist.
on Nov 05, 2005
"A most vigorous intellect is one of the certain and permanent characteristics of curiosity...
Even if you are a cat..."
on Nov 05, 2005
it's hard to miss what you never had
on Nov 06, 2005
"It is easy to have what you never miss"
on Nov 06, 2005
it's hard when you miss what you already had.
on Nov 06, 2005
I won't go any further with that word twist, it could get ugly.
on Nov 06, 2005
spiraling DARTS

oh, boy! Can words be twisted!
i've seen them changed in ways.
to many to be listed.
ever since my younger days.

i've seen them taken the wrong way.
i've seen them come out with a spray.
lines and lines of them, all saying nay.
groops of them makeing my heart say, hurray!

i've seen them shot out like darts.
straying from the straight and true.
breaching the wall around my heart.
showing the evidence that points to you.

many, many words can create a feeling.
pain or a pleasure to set your mind reeling.
wanton desiers of your hearts iner dealing.
a lash out, to stick me on the ceiling.

Thomas R. Johnson

Copyright ©2005 Thomas R. Johnson
on Nov 06, 2005
The Games People Play,

People will tell you what they,
Wan't you to hear!
Lies ment to comfort, are pain in my ear!
They pat me on the back, as they stick it
In my rear!
Just because someone takes an oath,
Is no garantee that they will keep it!
You can plant all the seed you want,
Still no garantee that you'll reap it!
Be carefull my friend, be cause they ask is
No garantee. they may not want it!
They ask because others have it.
They just want to be like the ones that
They see!
Not careing what the out come might be?
Not feeling what they say?
Never finding what they might see?
Never seeing what they might find.
Just looking for weekness.
Showing a picture of meekness, liers beware!!

Thomas R. Johnson

Copyright ©2005 Thomas R. Johnson
on Nov 06, 2005

The lemons keep falling, The presses keep calling.
With the ally cats balling, As a star is now falling.
The sugar is sweetly grand,
Like The gift of a young girls hand.
Makes you strike up the band,
As the battel's line is drawn in the sand.
The flow from the press, like the words that they use,
Is sour at best, but some of it's fresh.
Drawing out the acid that hides from with in.
They turn down the presses with a terrible grin.
The work is quite rough, but the press, It will win.
If you don't wash your hands then the acid will win.
The drippings will fall where ever they will.
But with the help of a very large pail,
All juice is collected, Every drop with out fail.
For if it were not, I surly would wail.
To get out harsh words, The juice is screened.
Then sugar is added and a glass I do need.
Will you join me?, I hope so indeed! )

Thomas R. Johnson

Copyright ©2005 Thomas R. Johnson
on Nov 06, 2005
Truth Is Truth

what is worse, the feeling of mystery?
or the feeling of knowing the painfull
truth? what is better, knowing the truth,
or the search for it?

i would rather know the truth.
for not knowing is the greatest pain.
unless the truth is going to be a lie.
i would rather die in vain!

the truth can hurt
the truth can heal
the truth can even heal the hurt.
the truth can set you free!
the truth can trap you in a lie.
i like truth that can just be true.

Thomas R. Johnson

Copyright ©2005 Thomas R. Johnson
on Nov 06, 2005
We all live with the objective of being happy; our lives are all different and yet the same.

A. Frank
on Nov 06, 2005
If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.

on Nov 06, 2005
It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.

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