I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Oct 28, 2005
If I may be so bold, I will attempt to impart some wordsof wisdom to this compendium

A friend sent this to me.
"Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting... 'Wow! What a ride! Thank You Lord!!'" - author unknown.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Oct 28, 2005
keep skinning..., wincustomize.com will stay... for now....

on Oct 28, 2005
This one is a favorite of my father.

Your walk talks, and your talk talks. But your walk talks louder than your talk talks.

Moral - Actions are always louder than words.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Oct 28, 2005
If you think it, say it!
on Oct 28, 2005
The wise man will love; all others will desire.
on Oct 28, 2005
If you greatly desire something, have the guts to stake everything on obtaining it. ~Brendan Francis
on Oct 28, 2005
I show you doubt, to prove that faith exists. ~Robert Browning
on Oct 28, 2005
All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it! ~Bob Newhart
on Oct 28, 2005
What I have here is a story with a moral I was tolled by a guy I knew who burned a car of mine. He passed this on one night while we where having a couple of beers the first time we ran across each other after the court action...

The story...

There was this bird that wanted to be free. He finally got what he wanted one winter’s day. He was free from his cage and out side flying like never before because he was born in the cage he escaped from. Since it was winter he got very cold and could not keep flying. He found a tree branch but could not stand the cold wind so he landed in a patch of tall grass. It started snowing and as the bunch of grass he was in became covered in snow he started shivering. The next morning he was about to give in to the cold and let it take his life when a cow came by and relieved it self upon him. It was not very nice but it was warm and he started to recover from the cold and soon he was on top of the pile singing and feeling like if he could get free of the weight he could again fly on. A cat was on the prowl and heard the bird chirping and came to see what the noise was. The bird, never before seeing a cat started chirping loudly for help and the cat naturally helped the bird out of the mess he was in and even helped the bird get cleaned up. Then the cat did what cats do, he ate the bird.

The moral of the story...

Not every one who shits on you is an enemy. And not every one who helps you out of the shit is your friend…
on Oct 28, 2005
Not every one who shits on you is an enemy. And not every one who helps you out of the shit is your friend…

Very very good!!!!!
on Oct 29, 2005
Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him. ~Aldous Huxley
on Oct 29, 2005
Experience teaches only the teachable. ~Aldous Huxley
on Oct 29, 2005
One doesn't discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time. ~Andre Gide
on Oct 29, 2005
We should be taught not to wait for inspiration to start a thing.
Action always generates inspiration. Inspiration seldom generates action.

~Frank Tibolt
on Oct 29, 2005
A thought often makes us hotter than a fire.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It is difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

All life is an experiment.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
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