I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 86)
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on Oct 07, 2005
Love your enemies,

Yes, keep your friends and loved one close and your enemies closer...

You'll get more flys with "honey" than vinegar......

"Your turn....
on Oct 07, 2005
A soft word can turn a hard enemy.
on Oct 07, 2005
At times I think and at times I am. ~Paul Valery
on Oct 07, 2005
A nit cap can overheat the brain.
While sunglasses can protect the eyes
from harmful ultraviolet rays.
on Oct 07, 2005
The brain is what you use when you take a walk.

The mind is what you use when you sit in a chair, stare at the wall, and leave the building.

on Oct 07, 2005
The brain is what you use when you take a walk.

I aggree!!!

IS this coming from a book, or are you making this up?
on Oct 09, 2005
Hope is a waking dream. Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
on Oct 09, 2005
Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them.
John Updike
on Oct 09, 2005

One must desire something to be alive. Margaret Deland
on Oct 09, 2005
There is only one admirable form of the imagination: the imagination that is so intense that it creates a new reality, that it makes things happen. Sean O'Faolain
on Oct 09, 2005
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. David Viscott
on Oct 09, 2005
Life is like playing a violin in public and learning the instrument as one goes on.
Samuel Butler
on Oct 09, 2005
The body says what words cannot. Martha Graham
on Oct 09, 2005
The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes. Frank Lloyd Wright
on Oct 09, 2005
The surest way to lose truth is to pretend that one already wholly possesses it. -- Gordon Allport, Becoming
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