I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Oct 13, 2003
When good music is being played, people do not listen, and when bad music is played, they do not talk.

Oscar Wilde 1895
on Oct 13, 2003
One who wants to be free of rules shall have to learn the regulations.
One who pursuits granted ease, shall have to work hard first.
One who pursuits simplicity, shall have to control complexity first.

Wang Gai 1679
on Oct 13, 2003
"Don't take too seriously all that the neighbors say. Don't be overawed by what the experts say. Don't be afraid to trust your own common sense."

--Dr. Spock

"Live long and prosper."

--Mr. Spock

on Oct 13, 2003
Creativity is allowing oneself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
-- Scott Adams, The Dilbert Principle
on Oct 14, 2003
"Art should not represent what is visible,but to make it visible"(Pol Klee).
"Progress has always been the rule,drawing back is the exception"(Charles Darwin).
"All smart ideas have already been done,all we can do is try to do them again"(Volfgang Gaite).
"He who things clearly,speaks clearly"(Arthur Sopenhauer).
"When you dream of the future,you can conquer present"(Roman Emperor).
"We all see the road we must follow,but most times we take the road we are used to"(Paolo Coelo).
"We are all so much and so close together,yet we all die in loneliness"(Albert Svaitcher).
"Real Love only creates,never destroys.That is the only promise towards humans"(Leo Buskalia).
"The greatest wealth is to confine our wishes"(Senekas).
"There are two kinds of freedom:That fake one,in which you can do whatever you want;and that true one,in which you can do whatever you must"(Kinsley).
"I may disagree with whatever you say.But i would defende till death your right to freely state your opinions"(Voltaire).
"It must become common concience that defending books and writings is the best defence against the stupidity of our times"(Dimitris Gkionis).
"It's better to light up a light,than to curse the dark"(Chinese Proverb).
"Non-violence is the law of human race,as violence is the law of animal"(Mahatma Gandi).
"Freedom of thought is the life of soul"(Voltaire).
"When you want something with all your soul,the whole universe secretly helps you to fulfill your wish"(Paolo Coelo).
on Oct 14, 2003
When all else is gone and there's nothing left to lose, then what is left and cannot be completely lost or even thrown away is truly one's self...And what stays secret inside everyone is that somewhere he is a king, somehow she is a queen.
-- Michael Meade, Men and the Waters of Life
on Oct 14, 2003
Art begins where copying stops.

Oscar Wilde 1896
on Oct 14, 2003
I wanted to beat the hellish light out of the language, because deep in the heart of the language lives a white light.

Herman Gorter 1895
on Oct 14, 2003
Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease.
-- Colin Greene
on Oct 14, 2003
Japanese Zen text:

A painter got an assignment to paint a forest of bamboo. Finally, after three years he comes to bring the painting. The client nods kindly and says: "Indeed, indeed, that's really beautiful, but why did you paint the bamboo red?!". The painter answered: "I had at that moment only red paint, but in what colour did you want it?" . "In black ofcourse !" said the client, "bamboo isn't red is it?". "Is bamboo black then?" asks the painter....
on Oct 15, 2003
Believe nothing against another but on good authority; and never report what may hurt another, unless it be a greater hurt to some other to conceal it. William Penn

on Oct 15, 2003
"You gotta have dreams. Without dreams, you've got nightmares"
---Mickey Rourke as Boogie in the movie Diner.
on Oct 15, 2003
"There are too many people who imagine that there is something sophisticated about believing the best of those who hate your country, and the worst of those who defend it."

-- Margaret Thatcher
on Oct 15, 2003
Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all others because you were born in it.
-- George Bernard Shaw
on Oct 15, 2003
Smoke em outta their holes

-- G W B

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