I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
Comments (Page 31)
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on Mar 23, 2003
Employees are the rungs on the ladder of success. Don't hesitate to step on them.

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on Mar 23, 2003
thou shalt not kill

unless it fits into the geopolitical plans of the present administration and can be presented in a manner which people accept it as a ??? given right....

ohhhhh, St Finger gonna shake his Peter at you IP!

ah I mean St Peter gonna shake his finger!

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on Mar 23, 2003
get involved, give a care!
on Mar 23, 2003
"What greater love hath no man, that he lay down his life for his friend," or in this case a country!
on Mar 26, 2003
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and
90% how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in
charge of our attitudes.
- Charles Swindoll
on Mar 26, 2003
Be careful of the toes you step on today, for they may be connected to the ass you have to kiss tomorrow.

By..??? someone

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on Mar 26, 2003
or...never critisize your spouse/parnter, if he/she were perfect they would have picked better...

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on Mar 26, 2003
spelling problem... P A R T N E R...

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on Mar 26, 2003
Ok, here is one, I like this one verry much, only it aren't a view worths, its more a little story:

There was a verry poor man who lived at the streets, with his family.
He didn't have money for food anymore, and he and his family were starfing. That night he prayed to god: God, please let me win the lottery, me and my family don't have anything to eat...
The next morning he didn't win the lottery.
He and his family were getting more hungry and hungry and that night he prayed again: God, I have lived my hole live as a good man, please let me win the lottery, I am begging you, my family is starving!
The next day, he didn't win the lottery again. He and his family now were hungry as hell, and he almost gave up, but prayed for the last time to god: God, what do I do wrong, don't you like me or something? I just wan't to buy some food for my family.
There was a huge light in the sky, and the man heard a voice and it said: You got to buy your self a lot FOOL!

well anyway, I like it...
on Mar 27, 2003
"Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence."

- H. L. Mencken
on Mar 29, 2003
If you have to borrow money, do it from a pessimist because they don't expect it back.

on Mar 29, 2003
It doesn't TAKE all kinds, we just HAVE all kinds

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on Mar 30, 2003
Albert E. On Gandhi (after his death): 'Future generations may find it hard to believe that such a man ever walked the face of the earth.'
on Mar 30, 2003
Tina Sinatra "These boots were made for walkin'"

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on Mar 30, 2003
'With great power comes great responsibility'... Think about that.
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