I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Feb 19, 2003
"Live by the sword, and leave bloody messes all over the place..."

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on Feb 19, 2003
Oh, this isn't the joke marathon... my bad....

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on Feb 19, 2003
"the toes that you step on today may be attached to the arse you have to kiss tomorrow."
on Feb 20, 2003
To do is to be. -Descartes

To be is to do. -Voltaire

Do be do be do. -Frank Sinatra
on Feb 20, 2003
A winner is part of the solution
A Loser is part of the problem

A winner has a program
A Loser has an excuse

A winner sees or seeks an answer for every problem
A Loser sees or seeks a problem with every answer

A winner makes commitments
A Loser makes promises

A human being is or does all of these things at different moments in life...

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on Feb 20, 2003
Experience is like a comb that life hands you when you go bald.
- Navjot Singh Sidhu.
on Feb 20, 2003
I like that un @shu

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on Feb 20, 2003
"Why does the Little Endian always get stuck with swapping the bloody bytes ?"
- Jagjeet Sidhu ( code slinger from Virginia) i think he would have gotten along well with Navjot.
on Feb 20, 2003
An optimist will usually be disappointed.

A pessimist may be pleasantly surprised...
on Feb 20, 2003
"Beautiful thoughts and beautiful women never last."
on Feb 20, 2003
"What matters most is how well you walk through the fire."

I warm gooey cookie for anyone who knows who said these two quotes.
on Feb 20, 2003
charles bukowski.
where's my cookie?
on Feb 20, 2003
elvee say, If you want the best seat in the house, You will have to move the cat

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on Feb 20, 2003
You can fool some of the people some of the time.....and jerk the rest off.

-Robin Williams

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on Feb 20, 2003
Life is like a sh*t sandwhich, the more bread you have, the less sh*t you have to eat....


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