I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jun 15, 2006
Men are what their mothers made them. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
on Jun 15, 2006
Just the facts: While Dr Pepper purports to be a blend of 23 flavors, the company acknowledges that three of those flavors are different concentrations of vanilla extract, brining the actual number of flavors to 21.
on Jun 16, 2006

"Patience is the companion of wisdom."
on Jun 18, 2006
With every down side,
there is an up side.
With every up side,
there is a down side.
If the down side goes low enough
you no longer have to worry about
the next cycle.
on Jun 20, 2006
on Jun 21, 2006
Why do we like to hear about celebrities?

Because we like to know that their
lives are just as screwed up as ours.
on Jun 22, 2006

~ Once upon a time only Washington's face was on our money,
now Washington's hands are on it too. ~


on Jun 22, 2006
im new here only my second post but here it is

The only way to deny death is to live each day to its absolute fullest by constantly striving to carve an immortal legend which will serve as your eternal legacy.
on Jun 22, 2006
dont take life so seriously it isnt permanent

if you dont talk to ur cat about cat nip who will

why do psycics have to ask for your name

i try to take one day at a time but somethimes several days attack me at once

What if the hokey pokey is what its really all about

on Jun 24, 2006


Let's face it kids,

No body knows if the earth is changing temperature.

No one here will live the one million years

it will take to know if the temperature is changing.

Even if someone does manage to live that long, they still won't know the reason

it changed if it changed.

Lets just say that I for one figure that it is probably cooling.


on Jun 24, 2006

We can't even predict the weather tomorrow.

on Jun 24, 2006
Cooling Earth..... hum.....

The earth would have cooled to an icy cinder many years ago were it not for
the decay of radioactive nuclei (principally uranium 238, thorium 232, and
potassium 40). Of course, the amounts of these heat-generating nuclei have
decayed over time, so their consequent heat output has also fallen. Unless
there is some other source of energy in the earth's core that is not
accounted for, the temperature MUST be lower than in the past.
Richard E. Barrans Jr., Ph.D. Assistant Director PG Research Foundation, Darien, Illinois

on Jun 24, 2006

15 years ago someone said the world

would end in 10 years.

on Jun 26, 2006

Music is well said, to be the speech of angels......
on Jun 26, 2006

Bibles that are falling apart usually belong to people who are not
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