I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Mar 15, 2006
Top 10 Fitness Myths

A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle. ~Irina Dunn, 1970, commonly misattributed to Gloria Steinem who had quoted Dunn

Bodyweight exercises only build endurance, not strength.

People who assume this believe that bodyweight exercises such as push-ups don't provide enough resistance to make you grow stronger. They think that you have to use weights for this. Well, let's look a little deeper.
The truth is that bodyweight exercises can be made incredibly tough simply by making minor adjustments. The concept is to master your own body. A beginner can do push-ups against the wall, while an advanced person can do hand stand push ups or one-arm push-ups. Your imagination is the only limit.
If you think that bodyweight exercises can't make you strong, then how do you explain gymnasts? They only use their bodyweight when they train, yet they can perform feats of strength that most people can only dream of. If you are a weightlifter and think you are strong, then try doing an "iron cross" on the rings or try climbing a rope 20 feet using only your hands.
on Mar 15, 2006
I am not responsible for what others say or do. I am only
responsible for how I respond to what others do or say.
on Mar 16, 2006
Myth: Lactic acid causes post-exercise soreness.

Just as with most other fitness myths, this one is perpetuated by fitness and health professionals themselves! If you hear it from your doctor, it must be true, right?
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is real (as we all know). However, DOMS is not the result of lactic acid build up. Your muscle chemistry simply doesn't work that way. Here is the real scoop. Soon after you begin to exercise, your body must use glycogen (the stored form of sugar) for energy production. The result of glycogen breakdown is lactic acid.
Now, when you are exercising aerobically, there is enough oxygen present for your body to resynthesize glycogen from the lactic acid. However, if you are working anaerobically, then you will go into oxygen debt very quickly. And you know what comes with any kind of debt -- that's right. Pain! This particular pain (burn) is the result of lactic acid build up in your muscles (acidosis).
However, you will notice that once you stop exercising, the burn begins to go away. This is because your body is "paying back" the oxygen debt. In other words, the lactic acid begins to go away because there is again plenty of oxygen.
So why the soreness the next day? The soreness results from the breakdown of muscle and tendon fibers. When this happens, hydroxyproline is released into the muscle. And this chemical is largely responsible for that sore feeling.

Hang in there, keep exercising.....
on Mar 17, 2006
Short and sweet...

"A Trial is the creative pressure that God uses to form diamonds in your heart."

~R. Lessin~
on Mar 17, 2006

Who invented the bicycle?

Who invented the washing machine?

Who invented nagging and complaining?

on Mar 17, 2006
Myth 5: Stress is bad for me.

Stress has been given a very bad rap over the years. We use terms such as "stressed out" to describe ourselves when we can't handle situations. So is stress really bad for us?
Consider this: You can't take a breath without stressing yourself. Not only is stress not bad for you, but it is absolutely essential for life. Your body thrives on stress (both physical and emotional). No change can happen with your body without something or someone applying stress to it.
Keep in mind that exercise is a form of stress. Studying a book is also stress (mental). The key is that stress, like anything else, can be overdone and must be used judiciously. If you can't handle it, then it becomes destructive. Otherwise, it is completely productive and necessary. So let's give stress its due respect. Without it, we just couldn't survive.
on Mar 17, 2006
historians do agree that Ernest Michaux did invent the modern bicycle pedal and cranks in 1861.

James King patented the first washing machine to use a drum in 1851

Lunar Virgos are quite practiced at nagging and complaining.

on Mar 18, 2006
We should all heed "these" words to live by.......

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.

Good works are links that form a chain of love.

I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.

I am not sure exactly what heaven will be like, but I don't know that when we die and it comes time for God to judge us, he will NOT ask, How many good things have you done in your life?, rather he will ask, How much LOVE did you put into what you did?

Mother Teresa
on Mar 18, 2006
What if Mother Teresa had loved to steal?
on Mar 19, 2006
"Don't try to be a great man ... just be a man.
Let history make its own judgments"

Zefram Cochrane, circa 2073
on Mar 19, 2006
"Intelligence without ambition is a bird without wings."

Salvador Dali
on Mar 20, 2006
"If you don't know what you want, you end up with a lot you don't."

Chuck Palahniuk
on Mar 20, 2006
Things do not change, we change.......
on Mar 20, 2006
People don't change, things change.
on Mar 21, 2006
Two sides of the same coin............
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