I'll start this off again....

"You may be only one person in the entire world, but if you're really lucky you might be the entire world to one person."

.....now, follow this example, and please keep it nice.
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on Jan 23, 2006
Sing a song of Birthdays
Full of fun and cheer
And may you keep on having them
For many a happy year.
on Jan 23, 2006
Most of us can remember a time when a birthday - especially if it was one's own brightened the world as if a second sun has risen. - Robert Lynd
on Jan 24, 2006
Ten cent messenger
on Jan 24, 2006
Birthdays are a necessary evil!

but they can be fun also!!!
on Jan 24, 2006
The world is round and the place which may seem
like the end may also be only the beginning.

I. B.
on Jan 24, 2006
There will come a time when you believe everything is finished.
That will be the beginning.
on Jan 25, 2006
In critical moments even the very powerful have need of the weakest.
on Jan 25, 2006
Seen recently on a tee shirt ~ EMERGENCY ALERT: If wearer of this shirt is found vacant, listless, or depressed, ADMINISTER CHOCOLATE IMMEDIATELY.
on Jan 26, 2006
Good music, is good music, and that should be enough for anybody!
on Jan 27, 2006
Those who do not plan for the future have to live through it anyway........
on Jan 27, 2006

To Love and win is the best thing; to Love and lose, the next best.....
on Jan 30, 2006
"Our task must be to free ourselves...by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."

-Albert Einstein
on Jan 30, 2006
Hi - just wanted to share something.
A good friend and one of my sons had knee surgery
over the past 4-10 years and ever since then, the knees
constantly ached, especially when the weather changes.
Couple good friends of mine and myself recommended that they
rub coconut oil on their knees twice a day for at least two months.
They did, and after two months the constant ache was gone.
They still use it it a couple of times a week.
It rubs in real well and doesn't really have much smell to it.

Note: Coconut oil is also great for speeding up the
metabolism as well as supporting the thyroid, so do
include it in your healthy eating plan.
Make sure to use organic. This isn't for everybody,
but I have seen first hand the help this really provides and no drugs!
on Jan 30, 2006
Here are some words to live by...
When a doctor tells you there will be some discomfort

they really mean "pain"! You can bank on that!!!
on Feb 01, 2006

Powerful and healthy BLUEBERRIES!
The Swedish are known for using blueberries for diarrhea
and you can find the infamous "blueberry diarrhea cure" in
Rodale's "Encyclopedia of Natural Home Remedies".
Blueberries also kill infectious viruses.
Blueberries contain high concentrations of compounds that
kill both bacteria and viruses.
Studies have shown that blueberries can reverse the aging
process, protect the body from stress, are anti-cancer,
preventors of weak eyesight, and can get rid of urinary
tract infections.
And best of all, they are loaded with
Whether you are loose or bound, or have a flu bug in your
body that needs to be terminated, do eat blueberries to
keep you at your healthiest, youngest and regular best!
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